• S.aÿ
winter skin,
j e r g e n s .
Jergens Naturals* -
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Moisturizer. With 95%
natural ingredients,
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skin's hydration.
H o m e s
M .
X and Gardens.
Gayle Goodson Butler
E d ito r in C h ie f
K itty M organ
Lam ont D. Olson
M ichael D. Belknap
E xe cutive E d ito r
M a n ag in g E d ito r
A r t D ire c to r
S e n io r D e p u ty E d ito r,
O m a B la is e F o rd
G ro u p E d ito r,
D o u g J im e rs o n
H o m e Design
G a rd en and O u td o o r Livin g
A s s is ta n t D e p u ty E d ito r
K e lly R yan K e ga ns
D e p u ty E d ito r
E ric L is k e y
East C oa st E d ito r
K r is tin e K e n n e d y
S e n io r A sso cia te E d ito r
S u san A p p le g e t H u rs t
W est C oa st E d ito r
P a ige P o rte r F is c h e r
E d ito ria l A ssista n t
J a c q u e W it tic k
S e n io r In te rio r D esig ne r
J o s e p h B o e h m
S e n io r E d ito rs
A m y P a n o s, K it S e lz e r
B e au ty D ire c to r
M e lis s a M ilra d G o ld s te in
A s s is ta n t E d ito r
J o a n n a L in b e rg
A s s is ta n t E d ito r
K e lly L. P h illip s
E d ito ria l A ssista n ts
P e g g y D a u g h e rty , R en ae G ra y
D e p u ty E d ito r,
C h ris tia n M illm a n
D e p u ty E d ito r,
N a n c y W a ll H o p k in s
H ea lth and Fam ily
Food and E n te rta in in g
E d ito ria l A ssista n t
D o ris L o h rm a n
S e n io r E d ito r
R ic h a rd S w e a rin g e r
A sso cia te E d ito r
E rin S im p s o n
C op y C hie f
K ris ti C h e w
E d ito ria l A ssista n t
R en ee Ire y
G ro u p C op y C hie f
S a lly F in d e r-K o z io l
C op y E d ito r
C.R. M itc h e ll
D e p u ty A r t D ire c to rs
S h e lle y C a ld w e ll, S c o tt J o h n s o n ,
Special P ro je cts E d ito r
M ik e B u tle r
K a rla J o K n ip p e r
P ro d u c tio n E d ito r
C in d y M u rp h y
A sso cia te A r t D ire c to r
A m y D a vis D e e rin g
O ffic e M anager
G in g e r B a s s e tt
S e n io r G ra p h ic D esig ne r
J e n s ie L a u rits e n M ik s ic h
A d m in is tra tiv e A ssista n t
L in d a N e w s o m
G ra p h ic D esig ne r
M a g g ie M e y e r
Test K itch e n D ire c to r
L yn n B la n c h a rd
P h o to g ra p h y C o o rd in a to r
H o lly P r u e tt
Test G arden M anager
S a n d ra J . G e rd e s
H e a lt h A d v i s o r y P a n e l
Lynne T. S huster, M .D., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, M N; M egan T. Sandel, M .D., Boston Medical Center and Children's Hospital, Boston;
M elina B. Jam polis, M .D., Los Angeles; C edric X . B ryan t, Ph.D., American Council on Exercise, San Diego; H eidi A . W aldo rf, M .D.,
The M ount Sinai School o f Medicine, New York
R e g io n a l C ontributors
Lisa M ow ry, Atlanta; Barbara Nielsen, Baton Rouge, LA; Sandra M oh lm a nn , Charleston, SC; Elaine M arkoutsas, S hirley Remes, H ila ry Rose,
Chicago; Diane C arroll, Fayettevil e, AR; Denise Gee, Dal as; K h risti Z im m eth, Detroit; Eileen A lexandra D eym ier, Easton, MD; Susan Fox,
Galveston, TX; J o e tta M ou ld en , Houston; Betsy H arris, Indianapolis; Susan A n drew s, M a rty Ross, Kansas City; S tephanie R om m el, Lexington,
KY; Robin T ucker, Laura H ull, Los Angeles; Shawn G illiam , A le cia Stevens, M inneapolis; Stacy Kunstel, NH; Anna M olvik, New Paltz, NY;
B onnie M aharam , John Loecke, New Y o rk C ynthia B ogart, RI; Susan Salom on, Portland, ME; B arbara M undall, Jan Behrs, Portland, OR;
Bonnie B roten , H elen Y oest, Raleigh, NC; A n d re a Caughey, San Diego; D onna Talley, Saratoga Springs, NY; Trish M aharam , Loralee W enger,
Seattle; H ea the r Lobdell, Tiburon, CA; Karin Lidbeck-B rent, W oodbury, CT
Andy Sareyan
P re sid e n t, B e tte r H om es and Gardens®
James T. Carr
V ice P re s id e n t/G ro u p P u b lish e r
A n th o n y P. Im p e ra to
J u lie V. B a k e r
B e cca R o th
A sso cia te P u blishe r, Sales
A sso cia te P u blishe r, M a rk e tin g
G eneral M an ag er
C a th y D ro p k in
G a ry W e n s tru p
E astern A d v e rtis in g D ire c to r
M id w e s t A d v e rtis in g D ire c to r
New York Advertising Sales: Joy De Vries, Janine Krause, Tracie Lichten, Susan S chw artzm an, Jen nife r Steele, Erica Wagner,
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